Whole-Body Hyperthermia (WBH): Historical Aspects, Current Use, and Future Perspectives


Heckel-Reusser S.


AbstractWhole-body hyperthermia (WBH), induced by passive heating, and active fever therapy induced by pyrogenic drugs, have been accepted as therapy of various diseases for many decades. However, the introduction of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs caused the interest in this traditional therapy to decline. The development of modern WBH using infrared irradiation (IR) started in the 1960s.Three levels of hyperthermia differ fundamentally in practical implementation, mechanisms of action, and indications. Mild WBH is stress-free and aims mainly to muscle relaxation and increased perfusion in the locomotor system. Fever-range whole-body hyperthermia (FRWBH) requires a more extensive nursing care due to major thermoregulatory stress. FRWBH is applied for stimulation of anti-tumor immune responses and for anti-inflammatory effects in case of chronic inflammation. Moreover, anti-depressive effects of FRWBH could recently be shown. Extreme WBH needs an intensive care environment and aims to the direct damage of cancer cells or therapy-resistant pathogens. In general, inconsistent effects of WBH on blood perfusion must be taken into account if combined with medication.Two commercially available medical WBH devices both use water-filtered infrared-A (wIRA), but deviate in the practical implementation. Contraindications and the risk of side effects differ essentially between the three levels and must carefully be observed.


Springer International Publishing

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