1. AIZENBERG, L.A. AND SH.A. DAUTOV: Golomorfnye funktsii mnogikh peremen-nykh s neotritsatel’noi deistvitel’noi chast’yu. Sledy golomorfnykh i plyurigarmonicheskikh funktsiY na granitse Shilova. (Russian). Matern. Sbornik, (Novaya. Ser.) 99(141), pp. 342–355 (1976). English transl.: Holomorphic functions of several complex variables with non-negative real part. Traces of holomorphic and pluriharmonic functions on the Silov boundary. (English) Math. USSR, Sb. 28 (1976), 301–313.
2. Special issue:Recent trends in systems theory;NK Bose,1976
3. BOSE, N.K.: Problems and progress in multidimensional system theory. In[Multi], pp. 824–840.
4. EFIMOV, A.V. and V.P. PoTAPOV: J-rastyagivayushchie matritsy-funktsii i ikh rol’ IT analiticheskoi teorii elektricheskikh tsepei (Russian). Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, 28:1 (1973), pp. 65–130. English transl: J-expanding matrix functions and their role in the analytical theory of electrical circuits. Russ. Math. Surveys, 28:1 (1973), pp. 69–140.
5. Fuxs, B.A.: Vvedenie v Teoriyu Analiticheskikh Funktsii Mnogikh Komplek-snykh Peremennykh (Russian). Fizmztgiz, Moscow 1962, 12 419 p. English transl.: Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variables. (Series: Translations of mathematical monographs, vol. 8). American Mathematical Society, Providence, R. I., 1963, x+388 p.