1. Application – Applications for Certificate of Title: Supporting Documents Relating to the Issue of Torrens Titles Under the Transfer of Land Act are Held at PROV in VPRS 460 Applications for Certificate of Title.
2. Directory – Data Extracted from Post Office Directories Held by SLV [Microfiche at PROV]: PP=Port Phillip Directories, B=Bailliere’s, SK=Sands & Kenny, SM=Sands & McDougall.
3. Cesspool closures: PROV VPRS 3103 MCC Health Committee Reports.
4. Godden Mackay Logan, Austral Archaeology and La Trobe University. 2004a. Casselden Place, 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Archaeological Excavations Research Archive Report, Volume 1: Introduction and Background. Melbourne: ISPT and Heritage Victoria.
5. ———. 2004b. Casselden Place, 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Archaeological Excavations Research Archive Report, Volume 2: Trench Reports. Melbourne: ISPT and Heritage Victoria.