1. Gorlov, I.F., Alekseev, A.L., Alekseeva, T.V.: Effect of feed additives on the chemical composition of beef. In: Klimenko, A.I., et al. (eds.) Selection of Farm Animals and Technology of Livestock Production: Material of All Russ. Scientific-Practical Conference, 9 February 2017. Don GAU. Persianovsky, pp. 60–62 (2017)
2. Gorlov, I.F., Slozhenkina, M.I., Zlobina, E.Yu., Tikhonov, S.L.: New approaches to the development of efficient technologies for the production of livestock raw materials and increasing the biological value of the products obtained. Food Indus. 3(4), 30–34 (2017)
3. Omarov, R., Gorlov, I.F., Zakotin, V., Shlykov, S.: Development of marble beef technology [Electronic resource]. In: 16th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for Rural Development”, Jelgava, Latvia, 24–26 May 2017 Proceedings/ Latvia University of Agriculture [Jelgava. Latvia], pp. 956–959 (2017).
4. Gorlov, I.F., Fedotova, G.V., Sazonov, S.P., Sergeev, V.N., Yuldashbaev, Yu.A., et al.: Cognitive Approach to the Study of Problems of Food Security: Monograph, 168 p. Publishing house of the Volgograd Institute of Management, Volgograd. RANEPA branch (2018)
5. Gorlov, I.F., Komarova, Z.B., Khoroshevskaya, L.V.: Methods of increasing poultry meat productivity using non-traditional feeds and biologically active substances. In: Gorlov, I.F., Chistyakov, V.A. (eds.) Innovative Trends in Feeding of Poultry: Materials of the Intern. Scientific-Practical Conf. (Volgograd, 6–7 June 2018), pp. 100–110. Volga Region Research Institute of Manufacture and Processing of Meat-and-Milk Production, Southern Federal University, Volgograd (2018)