1. Anderson, Charles M. with Karen Holt and Patty McGady. “Suture, Stigma, and the Pages that Heal.” In Writing and Healing. Ed. Charles M. Anderson and Marian M. MacCurdy. NCTE, 2000. 58-82.
2. Arendt, Hannah. The Life of the Mind. Harvest, 1971, 1978.
3. Aristotle. Poetics. Oxford UP, 2013.
4. Augustine. The Confessions. Trans. Philip Burton. Everyman’s Library, 2001.
5. Bakhtin, M.M. Art and Answerability: Early Philosophical Essays. Ed. Michael Holquist and Vadim Liapnov. Trans. Vadim Liapunov. Austin: Texas UP, 1990.