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2. Barfield, R. J. (1965b). Induction of sexual and aggressive behavior by intracerebral implants of androgen in the capon (p. 118). University of California.
3. Barfield, R. J. (1967). Activation of sexual and aggressive behavior by androgen implants in the brain of the male Ring Dove. American Zoologist, 7, 800.
4. Barfield, R. J. (1971a). Activation of sexual and aggressive behavior by androgen implanted into the male ring dove brain. Endocrinology, 89, 1470–1476.
5. Barfield, R. J. (1971b). Gonadotrophic hormone secretion in the female ring dove in response to visual and auditory stimulation by the male. The Journal of Endocrinology, 49, 305–310.