1. Adler-Baeder, F., Futris. T.G., McGill, J., Richardson, E.W., & Yildirim, E. D. (in press). Validating the couple relationship skills inventory. Family Relations.
2. Cooper, E., Adler-Baeder, F., & McGill, J. (2021). Individual mental health and couple functioning following couple relationship education participation: Exploring prospective cross-lagged influences among changes. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. Advanced online publication.
3. DeMeester, K., Futris, T. G., Richardson, E. W., Simmons, B., & Thompson, J. (2021). Descriptive evaluation of elevate and together we can in Georgia. Office of Family Assistance, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
4. Fawcett, E. B., Fawcett, D., Hawkins, A. J., & Yorgason, J. B. (2013). Measuring virtues in marital education programs and marital therapy. Contemporary Family Therapy: An International Journal, 35(3), 516–529.
5. Futris, T. G., Adler-Baeder, F., Ketring, S., Smith, T., et al. (2014a). ELEVATE: Taking your relationship to the next level. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Publication No. HDFS-E-161. Available at http://www.nermen.org/ELEVATE.php