1. Balboni, P., Botsi, A., Francis, K., & Barata, M. T. (2020). Designing connected and automated vehicles around legal and ethical concerns: Data protection as a corporate social responsibility. Paper presented at Workshop on artificial intelligence, ethics and law, Athens, Greece, 3 September 2020, § 3
2. see also Finck, A. J., & Biega, M. (2021). Reviving purpose limitation and data minimisation in data-driven systems, technology and regulation, § 4.4.
3. Campmas, A., Iacob, N., Simonelli, F., Vu, B. (Centre for European Policy Studies—CEPS). (2021, April 20). Big Data and B2B platforms: the next big opportunity for Europe—Report on market deficiencies and regulatory barriers affecting cooperative, connected and automated mobility, Annex III Potential market deficiencies and regulatory barriers, including a common industry-led position in the automotive sector, EASME/COSME/2018/004, p. 198; see also Benyahya, M., Kechagia, S., Collen, A., & Nijdam, N. A. (2022, April 27). The interface of privacy and data security in automated city shuttles: The GDPR analysis. Applied Sciences, 12(9), 4413, § 5.
4. Commission delegated regulation of 20 June 2022 amending Annexes I, II, IV and V to Regulation (EU) 2018/858 of the European Parliament and of the Council as re gards the technical requirements for vehicles produced in unlimited series, vehicles produced in small series, fully automated vehicles produced in small series and special purpose vehicles, and as regards software update, C(2022) 3823 final, and its four Annexes.
5. Commission implementing regulation of 5 August 2022 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) 2019/2144 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards uniform procedures and technical specifications for the type-approval of the automated driving system (ADS) of fully automated vehicles, C(2022) 5402 final, and its four Annexes.