1. Amnesty International UK (2023) ‘Volunteer for Amnesty’, a page on the website of Amnesty International UK, available from https://www.amnesty.org.uk/jobs/volunteer [Accessed 14.02.2023].
2. Anheier, H.K. and Salamon, L.M. (2001) Volunteering in cross-national perspective: Initial comparisons, Civil Society Working Paper 10, London School of Economics and Johns Hopkins University. Available from https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/96232.pdf [Accessed 05.03.2023].
3. Allison, H. (2021) ‘Virtual Volunteering’ a blog page on the website of Lancaster University, available from https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/careers/blogs/virtual-volunteering [Accessed 14.02.2023].
4. Arts University Bournemouth (2023) ‘Volunteer Information’, a page on the website of the Arts University Bournemouth, available from https://www.aubsu.co.uk/community/volunteer/agreement/ [Accessed 12.04.2023].
5. Barnes, C. and Mercer, G. eds (2004) Disability Policy and Practice: Theory and Research, Leeds: The Disability Press.