1. Balderston, Daniel. 1986. The Literary Universe of Jorge Luis Borges. An Index to References and Allusions to Persons, Titles and Places in his Writing. New York: Greenwood Press.
2. Balderston, Daniel, Gastón Gallo, and Nicolás Helft. 1999. Borges, Una Enciclopedia. Buenos Aires: Grupo Editorial Norma.
3. Bell-Villada, Gene H. 1999. Borges and his Fiction. A Guide to his Mind and Art. Austin: University of Texas Press.
4. Bioy Casares, Adolfo. 2006. Borges. Buenos Aires: Destino.
5. Borges, Jorge Luis, and Alicia Jurado. 1979. Qué es el budismo? In Obras completas en colaboración, 719–781. Emecé: Buenos Aires.