Springer International Publishing
Reference17 articles.
1. Akaho, M., Joyce, D.: Immersed Lagrangian Floer theory. J. Differ. Geom. 86, 381–500 (2010)
2. Fukaya, K.: Cyclic symmetry and adic convergence in Lagrangian Floer theory. Kyoto J. Math. 50, 521–590 (2010)
3. Fukaya, K.: Unobstructed immersed Lagrangian correspondence and filtered $$A_{\infty }$$ functor. arXiv:1706.02131
4. Fukaya, K., Oh, Y-G., Ohta, H., Ono, K.: Lagrangian intersection Floer theory—anomaly and obstruction. Parts I and II AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics 46.1 and 46.2 (2009)
5. Fukaya, K., Oh, Y.-G.: H Ohta and K Ono ‘Lagrangian Floer theory on compact toric manifolds. I’ Duke Math. J. 151, 23–174 (2010)