1. South Africa, Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (Historical papers, Wits)
2. • AK 2525 Ab5, “State of Breytenbach, B (Charges with participation in terroristic activities)”, Morand, Charles-Albert, “Report on the trial of Mr. Breyten Breytenbach, 21–26 November 1975, Pretoria, South Africa”, 16th December 1975.
3. South Africa, Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives, University of Western Cape, Cape Town (UWC, Mayibuye Archives)
4. • MCH 02-22 ANC-London, “Okhela/SALSCOM, 1977–1979,” South African Liberation Support Committee (SALSCOM), Towards an Understanding of the Role of Whites in the South African Struggle, 1979, 1–37.
5. Georges Lory (by Namara Burki, Paris, November 10, 2017).