1. Heat 4.0. The HEAT 4.0 will get a subpage on the CITIES homepage. https://smart-cities-centre.org/.
2. Cities. The homepage of CITIES. https://smart-cities-centre.org/.
3. Fed. The homepage of FED. https://www.flexibleenergydenmark.com/.
4. Bergsteinsson, H. G., Ben Amer, S., Nielsen, P., Madsen, H. (2021). Digitalization of district heating. Technical University of Denmark (2021). https://orbit.dtu.dk/en/publications/digitalization-of-district-heating.
5. Gadd, H., & Werner, S. (2013). Daily heat load variations in Swedish district heating systems. Applied Energy, 106, 47–55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.01.030.