Springer International Publishing
Reference32 articles.
1. Barany MJ (2015a) The myth and the medal. Not Am Math Soc 62(1):15–20
2. Barany MJ (2015b) Review of Harris (2015). Math Rev, MathSciNet MR3289987
3. Barany MJ (2016) Remunerative combinatorics: mathematicians and their sponsors in the mid-twentieth century. In Larvor 2016:329–246
4. Barany MJ (2017) Of polyhedra and pyjamas: platonism and induction in meaning-finitist mathematics. In: De Freitas et al (eds) (2017), pp 19–35
5. Barany MJ (2018a) The Fields Medal should return to its roots. Nature 553(18 January):271–273