1. Yu.M. Berezansky, On expansions in eigenfunctions of general selfadjoint differential operators, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 108(3) (1956) 379–382.
2. Yu.M. Berezansky, Self-adjoint Operators in Spaces of Functions of Infinitely Many Variables (AMS, 1986); (in Russian, Naukova Dumka, 1978).
3. Yu.M. Berezansky, The Projection Spectral Theorem, Russian Mathematical Surveys 39(4) (1984) 1–62.
4. Yu.M. Berezansky, Poisson Measure as the Spectral Measure of Jacobi Field, Infinite Dim. Anal., Quantum Prob. Related Topics 1(1) (2000) 121–139.
5. Yu.M. Berezansky, Yu.G. Kondratiev, Spectral Methods in Infinite-Dimensional Analysis (Kluwer, 1995); (in Russian, Naukova Dumka, 1988).