1. Argles, M. South Kensington to Robbins, 1851–1963 (London: Longman, 1964).
2. Beeby, C. E. The Quality of Education in Developing Countries (Cambridge Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1966).
3. Byrne, K. ‘Approaches to technical education in nineteenth-century Ireland’, in Parkes, S., Byrne, K. and Hyland, A. (eds.). Technical Education. Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Michael Clune (Dublin: DIT Publications, 1983), p. 6.
4. Coolahan, J. Irish Education. Its History and Structure (Dublin: Institute of Public Administration, 1981).
5. Coolahan, J. and O’Donovan, P. A History of Ireland’s School Inspectorate, 1831–2008 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2009).