Data Analysis and Exploration with Computational Approaches
Wichert Viktoria,Bouwer Laurens M.,Abraham Nicola,Brix Holger,Callies Ulrich,González Ávalos Everardo,Marien Lennart Christopher,Matthias Volker,Michaelis Patrick,Rabe Daniela,Rechid Diana,Ruhnke Roland,Scharun Christian,Valizadeh Mahyar,Vlasenko Andrey,zu Castell Wolfgang
AbstractArtificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) methods are increasingly applied in Earth system research, for improving data analysis, and model performance, and eventually system understanding. In the Digital Earth project, several ML approaches have been tested and applied, and are discussed in this chapter. These include data analysis using supervised learning and classification for detection of river levees and underwater ammunition; process estimation of methane emissions and for environmental health; point-to-space extrapolation of varying observed quantities; anomaly and event detection in spatial and temporal geoscientific datasets. We present the approaches and results, and finally, we provide some conclusions on the broad applications of these computational data exploration methods and approaches.
Springer International Publishing
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