1. Levi-Setti R. “Contribution to the Methods of Measurement of Scattering in the Photographic Plate”, Nuovo Cimento8195196.
2. Levi-Setti R. “Causes of Error in Scattering Measurements in Nuclear Emulsions”, Proceedings of the International Summer School of Physics, Varenna 1953, Course I, Suppl. Nuovo Cimento, 11, Ser. IX, No. 2 (1954) 207.
3. Levi-Setti R. and Tomasini G. “On the Decay of $$\mu $$-Mesons”, Nuovo Cimento81951994.
4. Levi-Setti R. and Tomasini G. “Slow Heavy Mesons from Cosmic Ray Stars”, Nuovo Cimento 919521244.
5. Bonetti A., Levi-Setti R., Panetti M., and Tomasini G. “Observation of the Decay at Rest of a Heavy Particle”, Nuovo Cimento101953345.