Giuseppe Occhialini and the History of Cosmic-Ray Physics in the 1930s: From Florence to Cambridge


Bustamante Martha Cecilia


Springer Nature Switzerland

Reference27 articles.

1. The Occhialini Archive, deposited at the University of Milan in the Physics department has no documents on the Cambridge period. In a letter to Carl D. Anderson, Occhialini explained: “I thought that I had some documentation of the Wilson chamber work in the early days with Blackett, but during my peregrinations in England, Belgium and Brazil, this material has been lost.” (Letter to C. D. Anderson, Occhialini Archive). However, the whole of Occhialini’s correspondence had not yet been examined. We may hope that in this supplementary source, more information about Occhialini’s days in Cambridge will be unearthed.

2. Hendry J. (Editor), Cambridge Physics in the thirties (Adam Hilger, Bristol) 1984, p. 66.

3. Blackett P. M. S. “The Old Days of the Cavendish”, Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, 1, Special Issue (1969) xxxii–xxxix.

4. Bignami G. “Giuseppe Paolo Stanislao Occhialini. 5 December 1907 - 30 December 1993”, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society of London, 48 (2002) 218–222.

5. Rossi B. Moments in the Life of a Scientist (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge) 1990.







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