1. Aquinas, T. (1968). On the teacher: Disputed questions on truth 11 (R. McInerny, Trans.). In R. McInerny (Ed.), Thomas Aquinas selected writings (pp. 193–217). Penguin Books. [Original work published 1256-1259].
2. Boland, V. (2006). Truth, knowledge and communication: Thomas Aquinas on the mystery of teaching. Studies in Christian Ethics, 19(3), 287–403.
3. Chenu, M. D. (1964). Toward understanding Saint Thomas (A.M. Landry & D. Hughes, Trans.). Henry Regnery Company.
4. Clark, J. G. (2011). The Benedictines in the Middle ages. Boydell.
5. Davies, B. (2014). Aquinas on teaching and learning. New Blackfriars, 95(1060), 631. https://doi.org/10.1111/nbfr.12089