1. International Institute of Social History (IIHS) Amsterdam, The Vojtinskij Papers, 1919–1960, 43 boxes.
2. University Uppsala, Dept. of Manuscripts and Music, Uppsala University Library, L. von Bortkiewicz Papers (41 boxes, there is no material of or about the Woytinskys).
3. Desrosières, A. (1998). The Politics of Large Numbers: A history of statistical reasoning. Harvard University Press.
4. Dmitriev, A. L. (2016). V. (sic) S. Woytinsky and Mathematical School in Political Economy: First Steps. (To the 110th Anniversary of the Publication of the Book “Market and Prices”). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University, Series 5, Economics, Issue 3, 95–108 (in Russian).
5. Gorroochurn, P. (2016). Classic topics on the history of modern mathematical statistics. From Laplace to more recent times. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.