1. Abrams, Tevia. “Tamāshā.” Indian Theatre: Traditions of Performance, edited by Farley P. Richmond, et al., U of Hawaii P, 1990, pp. 275–304.
2. Abu-Lughod, Janet L. Before European Hegemony: The World System A.D. 1250–1350. Oxford UP, 1989.
3. Adedeji, Joel. “Alarinjo: The Traditional Yoruba Travelling Theatre.” Drama and Theatre in Nigeria: A Critical Source Book, edited by Yemi Ogunbiyi, Nigeria Magazine, 1981, pp. 221–48.
4. Andrews, Richard. Scripts and Scenarios: The Performance of Comedy in Renaissance Italy. Cambridge UP, 1993.
5. Banham, Martin, editor. The Cambridge Guide to Theatre. Rev. ed., Cambridge UP, 2000.