1. Anonymous (1929) “Uncertainty principle” enters science. Sci News 15(420):257–258
2. Anonymous (1933a) Einstein foresees dangers for Jews. Arriving at Antwerp he tells of possible economic pressure from German Nazis. Will work in Belgium. Scientist asserts he will not go back to old home as long as threats continue. The New York Times, 29 March 1933, p 8
3. Anonymous (1933b) Einstein to alter status. Scientist takes steps to renounce his Prussian Citizenship. The New York Times, 30 March 1933, p 13
4. Anonymous (1935a) Einstein attacks Quantum Theory; scientist and two colleagues find it is not “complete” even though “correct”. The New York Times, 4 May 1935, p 11
5. Anonymous (1935b) Statement by Einstein; he says he did not authorize report on quantum theory. The New York Times, 7 May 1935, p 21