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2. Banichuk NV, Bratus AS, Mishkis AD (1987) Analysis of stabilizing and destabilizing effects of small damping in nonconservative systems with finite numbers of degrees of freedom. Technical report, Institute for Problems in Mechanics AN USSR. Reprint no. 312 (in Russian)
3. Banichuk NV (1978) Minimization of the weight of a wing with constraints on the velocity of divergence. Scientific Notes of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI), vol 9, no 5 (in Russian)
4. Banichuk NV (1990) Introduction to optimization of structures. Springer, New York, 300 pages
5. Banichuk VV (1983) Problems and methods of optimal structural design. Plenum Press, New York, 313 pages