1. Barabashov, N. P., Mikhailov, A. A., & Lipsky, Yu. N. (1960). Atlas of the far side of the moon (Acad.Sci.USSR), translated as “An Atlas of the Moon's Far Side, The Lunik III Reconnaissance” (p. 143). Interscience Publishers.
2. Beer, W., & Mädler, J. H. (1837). Allgemeine Selenographie [Full title: Der Mond nach seinen kosmischen und individuellen Verhältnissen, oder allgemeine vergleichende Selenographie; or: The moon according to its cosmic and individual relationships, or general comparative selenography]. Simon Schropp.
3. Blagg, M., & Saunder, S. A. (1913). Collated List of Lunar Formations Named or Lettered in the Maps of Neison, Schmidt, and Mädler, Compiled and Annotated for the Committee, by Mary A. Blagg & Samuel Arthur Saunder (Edinburgh, 1913; reprinted by the International Association of Academies, Lunar Nomenclature Committee, University of Michigan Library, 2015).
4. Blagg, M. A., & Müller, K. (1935). Named Lunar Formations (with W.H. Wesley, S.A. Saunder, and J.H.G. Franz). P. Lund, Humphries.
5. Burchett, W., & Purdy, A. (1961). Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, first man in space. Panther Books (188 p.).