1. Ackland, Michael. 2000. Poetry from the 1890s to 1970. In The Cambridge Companion to Australian Literature, ed. E. Webbe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2. Australian Government. 1999. Department of Water, Heritage and the Arts. Key Threatening Process Nomination Form (EPBC Act). Accessed May 14, 2022. https://www.awe.gov.au/sites/default/files/env/pages/87ef6ac7-da62-4a45-90ec-0d473863f3e6/files/nomination-lantana-camara-invasion.pdf.
3. Bachelard, Gaston. 1969. The Poetics of Space. Translated by Maria Jolas. Boston: Beacon Press.
4. Bahrianyi, Ivan. 1946. Chomu ya ne khochu povertatys do SSSR? [Why I Am Not Going Back to the Soviet Union]. Winnipeg.
5. Bulka, Yaroslav. 1960a. Maliar-aboryhen Alberto Namatdzhira. [Albert Namatjira Is an Aboriginal Painter]. The New Horizon, no. 2.