1. Beauvoir, Simone de. 1945. Le Sang des Autres. Paris: Gallimard.
2. Bedel, Maurice. 1937. Monsieur Hitler. Paris: Gallimard.
3. Bory, Jean-Louis. 1945. Mon Village à l’heure allemande. Paris: Flammarion.
4. Bragança, Manuel. 2011. ‘Sartre and His Literary Alter Ego Mathieu in Les Chemins de la liberté (1938–1949): From the “Roads to Personal Freedom” to the “Roads of Humanism”?’ In German and European Poetics After the Holocaust, edited by G. Hofmann, R. Magshamhráin, M. Pajevic, and M. Shields, 219–232. Rochester, NY: Camden House.
5. Bragança, Manuel. 2012. La Crise allemande du roman français, 1945–1949. Oxford: Peter Lang, ‘Modern French Identities’.