1. Atwood, Margaret. “Carol Shields Who Died Last Week, Wrote Books That Were Full of Delights.” Curious Pursuits: Occasional Writings 1970–2005. London: Virago, 2005, 341–44.
2. Berry, Phillipa. “Postmodernism and Post-Religion,” Cambridge Companion to Postmodernism. ed. Steven Connor. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000, 168–81.
3. Carroll, Lewis. [1865, 1872, 1876] Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass, and the Hunting of the Snark. [1865, 1972, 1876]. London: Bodley Head, 1974.
4. Gertsman, Elina. Worlds Within: Opening the Medieval Shrine Madonna. Penn State University Press, 2015.
5. Giardini, Anne and Nicholas Giardini, eds. Startle and Illuminate: Carol Shields on Writing. Toronto: Random House Canada, 2016.