AbstractSome international investment agreements (IIAs) allow states that are parties to a treaty, but are not party to a specific dispute under that treaty, to intervene on a limited basis in order to make submissions on matters of treaty interpretation. Such mechanisms have proved to be highly valued by treaty parties, as evident by the many recently-concluded IIAs containing increasingly sophisticated non-disputing treaty party (NDTP) provisions. This chapter: (1) provides the background on NDTPs mechanisms, with a focus on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) (the first-known IIA to contain such a provision); (2) examines the possible connection between tribunals failing to give due regard to treaty parties’ interpretive positions (again focusing on NAFTA) and the current backlash against investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS); and (3) analyses trends in recently-concluded IIAs. It is argued that the apparent lack of deference given by tribunals to NDTP submissions may be contributing to the current backlash against ISDS, based on two discernible trends: (1) an increase in the number of IIAs containing NDTPs provisions; and (2) provisions that now state that not only are treaty interpretations made by treaty parties binding on tribunals (such provisions also have their genesis in NAFTA), but that, in addition, tribunals’ decisions must be consistent with such agreed interpretations (the latter an innovation of a NAFTA party in 2003). Such trends are also visible at the institutional and multilateral levels, such as the revision of the Arbitration Rules of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and the Mauritius Convention on Transparency in ISDS of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), and show no sign of slowing down.
Springer International Publishing