1. Convention concerning the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage. UNESCO. Adopted by the Council of Ministers of Bulgaria on February 4, 1974 and in force since 17 September 1975, promulgated in State Gazette (SG), Issue 44 of 27 May 2005
2. ETS No.143 European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage (Revised), CoE 1992. Accessed 7 July 2012
3. Cultural Heritage Act of Republic of Bulgaria, promulgated in State Gazette (SG), Issue 19 of 13.03.2009, amended issue 16/26.02.2016, issue 52/8.07.2016
4. Шкopпил, К.: Maтepиaлы для бoлгapcкиx дpeвнocтeй. AбoбaПлиcкa. ИPAИК т. 10, Coфия (1905)
5. Mиxaйлoв Cт.: Apxeoлoгичecки мaтepиaли oт Плиcкa/1948 – 1951г./. Извecтия нa Apxeoлoгичecкия инcтитyт XX, 49 – 191 (1955)