1. Adams, Carol J. The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegan Critical Theory, 25th anniversary ed. Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.
2. Aeschylus. Prometheus Bound. Translated by Thomas Medwin [and Percy Shelley]. William Pickering, 1832.
3. Aldiss, Brian W., and David Wingrove. Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction. Victor Gollancz, 1986.
4. Armstrong, Philip. What Animals Mean in the Fiction of Modernity. Routledge, 2008.
5. Boddice, Rob. A History of Attitudes and Behaviours Toward Animals in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-century Britain: Anthropocentrism and the Emergence of Animals. Edwin Mellen Press, 2008.