1. House of Commons: Written Answers to Parliamentary Questions—Planning Permission: Fraud. HC Deb, 17 October 2011, c586W (2011). https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201011/cmhansrd/cm111017/text/111017w0001.htm#1110183000069. Accessed 13 Nov 2022
2. Pirotta G (1996) The Maltese Public Service, 1800–1940: The administrative politics of a Micro-state. Mireva Publications, Msida
3. Development Planning Act 1992. Chapter 356 of the Laws of Malta
4. Aquilina K (1999) Development Planning Legislation: The Maltese Experience. Mireva Publications, Msida
5. Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Central Government, United Kingdom (1990)