1. Bailey, R. H. (1984). The Bloodiest Day: The Battle of Antietam (176p). Alexandria: Time-Life Books.
2. Bassler, R. S. (1919). Cambrian and Ordovician (424p). Baltimore, MD. Maryland Geological Survey Systematic Report.
3. Brezinski, D. K. (1992). Lithostratigraphy of the western Blue Ridge cover rocks in Maryland: Maryland Geological Survey Reports of Investigation 55, 69p.
4. Chiles, P. (1998). Artillery hell! The guns of Antietam. Blue and Gray Magazine, XVI, 6–16, 24–25, 41–59.
5. Cleaves, E. T., Edwards, J., & Glaser, J. D. (1968). Geologic Map of Maryland. Map: Maryland Geological Survey, scale 1:250,000.