1. ACAA (American Coal Ash Association) (2021) Coal combustion products production and use reports. Denver, CO. https://acaa-usa.org/publications/production-use-reports/
2. Appalachian Voices (2021) Coal ash disasters: Appalachian voices Boone, NC. https://appvoices.org/coalash/disasters/
3. BREC (Big Rivers Electric Corporation) (2017) Introduction. Henderson, KY. https://www.bigrivers.com/introduction/
4. Blau M (2019) Southern states split in response to EPA’s coal ash rule rollbacks. Stateline (blog), December 2, 2019. https://pew.org/2rwP1p2
5. Bonner L (2020) Duke energy will dig up most of its coal ash under a settlement with North Carolina. Raleigh News & Observer, January 2, 2020. https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article238898708.html