1. Act No. 171/1990 Coll. On the System of Primary and Secondary Schools (Education Act). (1990). https://www.psp.cz/sqw/sbirka.sqw?cz=171&r=1990
2. Act No. 564/1990 Coll. On State Administration and Self-Government in the School System. (1990). https://www.psp.cz/sqw/sbirka.sqw?cz=564&r=1990
3. Act No. 390/1991 Coll. On Pre-School Institutions and School Facilities. (1991). https://www.psp.cz/sqw/sbirka.sqw?cz=390&r=1991
4. Act No. 138/1995 Coll. (1995). https://www.psp.cz/sqw/sbirka.sqw?cz=138&r=1995
5. Bečvář, J., & Veselý, J. (1993). Perspektivy českého školství [Perspectives of Czech school system]. Pedagogika, 43(2), 133–136.