1. G. R. Allan, Ideals of vector valued functions. — Proc. London Math. Soc. 18(1968), 3, 193 — 216.
2. A. Böttcher, Toeplitz operators with piecewise continuous symbols-a neverending story? — Jahresber. der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 97(1995), 115 – 129.
3. A. Böttcher, Yu.I. Karlovich, Toeplitz and singular integral operators on Carle-son curves with logarithmic whirl points. — IEOT 22(1995), 127 — 161.
4. A. Böttcher, Yu.I. Karlovich, Toeplitz and singular integral operators on general Carleson curves. — to appear.
5. A. Böttcher, Yu.I. Karlovich, Toeplitz operators with PC symbols on general Carleson Jordan curves with arbitrary Muckenhoupt weights. — to appear.