1. Ackerley, Chris. “Samuel Beckett and Max Nordau: Degeneration, Sausage Poisoning, the Bloody Rafflesia, Coenaesthesis, and the Not I”. Beckett After Beckett, edited by S. E. Gontarski and Anthony Uhlmann, Florida UP, 1996, pp. 167–76.
2. Beckett, Samuel. Beckett’s “Dream” Notebook. Edited by John Pilling, Beckett International Foundation, 1999.
3. ———. Dream of Fair to Middling Women. Arcade Publishing, 2006.
4. ———. “Echo’s Bones”. Edited by Mark Nixon, Faber and Faber, 2014.
5. ———. The Letters of Samuel Beckett, Vol. I: 1929–1940. Edited by Martha Dow Fehsenfeld and Lois More Overbeck, Cambridge UP, 2009.