1. Dr. Robert Bakker (Boulder, Colorado), Dr. Sankar Chatterjee (Texas Technical University), Dr. Peter Dodson (University of Pennsylvania), Dr. Jacques Gauthier (California Academy of Sciences), Dr. Lawrence Martin (University of Kansas), Dr. Kevin Padian (University of California/Berkeley), Dr. Michael Parrish (University of Kansas), Dr. Paul Sereno (University of Chicago).
2. Bock, W. J: On Extended Wings. The Sciences 23 (1983).
3. Caple, G. R., R. T. Balda und W. R. Willis: The Physics of Leaping Animals and the Evolution of Preflight. American Naturalist 121 (1983).
4. Chatterjee, Sankar: A Primitive Parasuchid (Phytosaur) Reptile from the Upper Triassic Maleri Formation of India. Paleontology 21, 83–127 (1978a).
5. Chatterjee, Sankar: Indosuchus and Indosaurus. Cretaceous Carnosaurs from India. Journal of Paleontology 52, 570–580 (1978b).