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2. Atoyev, K.L., Golodnikov, A.N., Gorbachuk, V.M., Ermolieva, T.Yu., Ermoliev, Yu.M., Kiriljuk, V.S., Knopov, P.S., Pepeljaeva, T.V.: Food, energy and water nexus: methodology of modeling and risk management. In: FEW Nexus for Sustainable Development: Integrated Modeling & Robust Management. Zagorodny A.G., Ermoliev Yu.M., Bogdanov V.L., Ermolieva T. Yu. et al. (Eds.). Kyiv: Akademperiodkya, pp. 250–302 (2020)
3. Atoyev, K., Vovk, L., Shpyga, S.: Studying the interconnection of food, energy and water resources using the three-sectoral Lorentz model. J. Probl. Contr. Inform. 3, 141–152 (2020)
4. Atoyev, K.L., Knopov, P.S.: Application of robust methods for estimation of distribution parameters with a prioriary constraints on parameters in economics and engineering. Cybern. Syst. Anal. 58(5), 713–720 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10559-022-00504-8
5. Atoyev, K.L., Knopov, P.S.: Modeling of complex systems instability under risks and uncertainty. Proc. 2022 IEEE Third International Conference on System Analysis & Intelligent Computing (SAIC), 04–07 October, 2022 Kyiv, Ukraine https://doi.org/10.1109/SAIC57818.2022.9922972 (2022)