Spatializing Social Change: Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Upper Guinea


Dessertine Anna


AbstractThis chapter proposes a spatial perspective on the analysis of social change in the making via a study of artisanal and small-scale gold-mining sites in Guinea based on twenty-two months of fieldwork between 2011 and 2019 in the region of Upper Guinea, where increasing numbers of inhabitants have been circulating between artisanal and small-scale mining sites to search for gold since the price of gold rose between 2008 and 2012. The chapter starts by discussing artisanal and small-scale mining spaces through the notion of hotspots of transition, insisting on their liminal character. This liminality is analyzed as a spatial framework in which new opportunities emerge regarding gender—women’s adoption of what is considered masculine behavior, for instance—and where instantaneity is more privileged than continuity in some actions, such as those associated with consumption. More generally, it shows how the potential for change in artisanal and small-scale mining spaces is closely linked to their ephemeral nature. The relationship between space and temporality is more explicitly discussed in the second part of the chapter, which explores how the ephemerality of artisanal and small-scale mining spaces has recently been challenged by the Guinean government’s move to control mining mobility and fix mining sites spatially by delimiting legal mining territories. Since 2015–2016, multiple military operations have been conducted to expel miners from land for which the Guinean State has given industrial companies legal permits to prospect for and mine gold. This part of the chapter analyzes the socio-spatial consequences of this situation and shows that perceptions of time and of social change are constructed by the forms that space take.


Springer International Publishing

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