AbstractGraded type systems are a class of type system for fine-grained quantitative reasoning about data-flow in programs. Through the use of resource annotations (or grades), a programmer can express various program properties at the type level, reducing the number of typeable programs. These additional constraints on types lend themselves naturally to type-directed program synthesis, where this information can be exploited to constrain the search space of programs. We present a synthesis algorithm for a graded type system, where grades form an arbitrary pre-ordered semiring. Harnessing this grade information in synthesis is non-trivial, and we explore some of the issues involved in designing and implementing a resource-aware program synthesis tool. In our evaluation we show that by harnessing grades in synthesis, the majority of our benchmark programs (many of which involve recursive functions over recursive ADTs) require less exploration of the synthesis search space than a purely type-driven approach and with fewer needed input-output examples. This type-and-graded-directed approach is demonstrated for the research language Granule but we also adapt it for synthesising Haskell programs that use GHC’s linear types extension.
Springer Nature Switzerland
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