1. 02 aprelia 2015 goda sostoialos’ vtoroe zasedanie Obshchestvennogo soveta pri Dvinsko-Pechorskom territorial’nom upravlenii Federal’nogo agentstva po rybolovstvu (Second meeting of Dvinsko-Pechorskoe Territorial Management Board’s Public Council took place on 02 April 2015).
. Accessed 25 June 2016
2. Alekseeva YaI (2002) Belomorskoe rybolovstvo s kontsa XVIII v. po 1920 gg. (The White Sea fisheries from the end of the XVIII century to the 1920s).
. Accessed 14 Dec 2017
3. Bernshtam TA (1978) Pomory. Formirovanie gruppy i sistema khoziaistva (Pomory. Group formation and economy). Nauka, Leningrad
4. Fishnews (2014) Ryba ne izbezhala sanktsii (Fish did not avoid sanctions).
. Accessed 15 Sept 2016
5. Fishnews (2014) Eksperty ne proniklis’ reformoi “pribrezhki” (Experts did not like the reform of “coastal fisheries”).
. Accessed 10 Aug 2016