1. AMAtI (Archivio multimediale attori italiani) AMAtI is a research database in Italian devoted to the lives and work of Italian actors from the origins to the present. It was developed from an original concept by Siro Ferrone and is operated by Florence University. Accessed June 19, 2018. http://amati.fupress.net/Main.uri .
2. HERLA. Founded in 1999, the international HERLA project co-ordinates the identification, databasing and interpretation of archival documents from 1480 to 1630, relating to theatrical events and productions sponsored by the Gonzaga dynasty, Mantuan festival culture and commedia dell’arte. Accessed June 19, 2018. www.capitalespettacolo.it .
3. Italian Women Writers Database. Database providing ‘information on and texts by both famous and previously neglected Italian women writers … from the 13th century up to those born in 1945’ operated by the University of Chicago. Accessed June 19, 2018. www.lib.uchicago.edu/efts/IWW
4. Andreini, Giovan Battista. 1606. Il pianto d’Apollo. Rime funebri in morte d’Isabella Andreini. Milan: Girolamo Bordone and Pietromartire Locarni.
5. Andreini, Giovan Battista. 1625. La ferza. Ragionamento secondo contra l’accuse date alla Commedia e a professionisti di lei. Paris: Callemont.