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2. S. Ettl, O. Arold, Z. Yang, G. Häusler, Flying triangulation - an optical 3D sensor for the motion-robust acquisition of complex objects. Appl. Opt. 51(2), 281–289 (2012)
3. F. Willomitzer, S. Ettl, O. Arold, G. Häusler, Flying triangulation - a motion-robust optical 3D sensor for the real-time shape acquisition of complex objects. in Proceedings of the 3rd International Topical Meeting on Optical Sensing and Artificial Vision, AIP 1537 (2013), p. 19
4. O. Arold, S. Ettl, F. Willomitzer, G. Häusler, Hand-guided 3D surface acquisition by combining simple light sectioning with real-time algorithms (2014),
5. S. Ettl, Introductory review on ‘Flying Triangulation’: a motion-robust optical 3D measurement principle. in Contemporary Physics (2014)