Distributed and Concentrated Strategies in the Sequencing of the Yeast Genome


García-Sancho Miguel,Lowe James


AbstractThis chapter examines the sequencing of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), which was conducted by an international collaboration that released its reference genome in 1996. The European side of this collaboration exhibited a distributed model of sequencing, in which yeast biology laboratories made immediate research use of the sequence data they produced. In the USA, by contrast, large-scale sequencing centres were established, with yeast genomics constituting a pilot for the eventual sequencing of the human genome. The European effort involved a heterogenous community of yeast ‘genomicists’ and constituted a distinct model of genomics not subordinated to the whole-genome sequencing ofHomo sapiens. Most of the human genome projects that proliferated in the early to mid-1990s instantiated some form of this distributed model, which co-existed with the more concentrated and intensive production of the human reference genome.


Springer International Publishing

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