1. Anderson, Thomas C. 1969a. ‘‘Intelligible Matter and the Objects of Mathematics in Aristotle”. The New Scholasticism 43 (1969), 1–28.
2. Anderson, Thomas C. 1969b. ‘‘Intelligible Matter and the Objects of Mathematics in Aquinas”. The New Scholasticism 43 (1969), 555–576.
3. Annas, Julia (ed., trans.), 1976. Aristotle, Metaphysics, Books M and N. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
4. Baldassari, Mariano (ed., trans.), 1976. Plutarco, Gli opuscoli contra gli stoici. 2 vols. (Pubblicazioni di verifiche, 2/1-2). Trento: Verifiche.
5. Bertier, Janine (ed.trans.), 1978. Nicomachus Gerasenus, Introduction arithmétique. (Histoire des doctrines de l’antiquité classique, 2). Paris: Vrin.