1. Dowland, John and Phillippe Meunier. The Earl of Essex Galliard. Leipzig: Breitkopf, 1974.
2. Eötvös, Melody. Ruler of the Hive. Sydney: Australian Music Centre, 2018.
3. Holmes, Bob & Kate Douglas. “Human Nature: Being Playful.” NewScientist 2861 (21 April 2012). https://www.newscientist.com/issue/2861/.
4. Johnson, Samuel. “Preface to Shakespeare.” Edited by Jack Lynch, accessed 12 December 2021. http://jacklynch.net/Texts/prefabr.html.
5. Kean, Danuta. “Margot Robbie is Rethinking Shakespeare’s Women. It’s About Time.” The Guardian, 27 March 2018. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/mar/27/margot-robbie-shakespeare-women-characters-tv-series.