Two Worlds in One Network: Fusing Deep Learning and Random Forests for Classification and Object Detection


Reinders Christoph,Yang Michael Ying,Rosenhahn Bodo


AbstractNeural networks have demonstrated great success; however, large amounts of labeled data are usually required for training the networks. In this work, a framework for analyzing the road and traffic situations for cyclists and pedestrians is presented, which only requires very few labeled examples. We address this problem by combining convolutional neural networks and random forests, transforming the random forest into a neural network, and generating a fully convolutional network for detecting objects. Because existing methods for transforming random forests into neural networks propose a direct mapping and produce inefficient architectures, we present neural random forest imitation—an imitation learning approach by generating training data from a random forest and learning a neural network that imitates its behavior. This implicit transformation creates very efficient neural networks that learn the decision boundaries of a random forest. The generated model is differentiable, can be used as a warm start for fine-tuning, and enables end-to-end optimization. Experiments on several real-world benchmark datasets demonstrate superior performance, especially when training with very few training examples. Compared to state-of-the-art methods, we significantly reduce the number of network parameters while achieving the same or even improved accuracy due to better generalization.


Springer Nature Switzerland

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