AbstractOver the last years, innovative parallel and distributed SAT solving techniques were presented that could impressively exploit the power of modern hardware and cloud systems. Two approaches were particularly successful: (1) search-space splitting in a Divide-and-Conquer (D &C) manner and (2) portfolio-based solving. The latter executes different solvers or configurations of solvers in parallel. For quantified Boolean formulas (QBFs), the extension of propositional logic with quantifiers, there is surprisingly little recent work in this direction compared to SAT.In this paper, we present ParaQooba, a novel framework for parallel and distributed QBF solving which combines D &C parallelization and distribution with portfolio-based solving. Our framework is designed in such a way that it can be easily extended and arbitrary sequential QBF solvers can be integrated out of the box, without any programming effort. We show how ParaQooba orchestrates the collaboration of different solvers for joint problem solving by performing an extensive evaluation on benchmarks from QBFEval’22, the most recent QBF competition.
Springer Nature Switzerland
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