1. Parliamentary Debates (Australia)
2. MacKay, Dr M. Debate over Appropriations Bill (No. 1), House of Representatives. South Australia, 12 October 1966, p. 1638.
3. Archives New Zealand Files (Wellington)
4. Campbell, A. (1958). Letter to Professor H.N. Parton, Chemistry Department, University of Otago [18 April]. ABEP, Series 7749, Box 2070, 34/2/4/1. Part 1. Secondary Education.
5. Dawkins, N. (1963). Presentation on P.S.S.C. Physics. Proceedings of the Study Committee, c. Early 1963, ABEP, W4262, Series 7749, Box 2070, 34/2/4/1. Part 3, Secondary Education, Courses of Instruction, Seminar on Science, P.S.S.C. Study Committee, 1963–64 [R.7208912].